Saturday, November 26, 2011

Setup the c++ development environment in eclipse windows platform

1.Make sure c++ compiler installed machine, if not
           Install either of any cpp compiler software MinGW GCC(clickhere) or Cygwin GCC.

2.Configure the eclipse for c++ development.
  •  Install any eclipse (galileo or helio or any latest version).
  • launch the eclipse.
  • Go to Help->Install New Software->Add Site
  • Enter the cpp plugin url ""
  • Dont other software option and follow the instructions and install it.
 3. C++ project development in eclipse
  • Create new c++ new project, Go to  File->New->C++ Project
  • Select Empty project or Hello World project and also select the MinGW GCC or Cygwin GCC from toolchain combo box.
  • Now run the app by right click on the c++ code editor and then select run as launch c++ application.